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Background of the District

The land- piece named Bangladesh was divided into tiny tiny zone in primitive age.Those zones are acquainted with Vanga,Pandu,Somotot,Tamrolipi,Bango etc in history.At that time,It is assumed that probably,Jashore was included in Tamrolipi and Vanga zone.After that,including Jashore political, social, cultural, geographical and revolutionised history of the mentioned zones are frequent ups and downs and diversified.

Jashore district created by silty soil from Ganga river is found in the map of Tolemy which is primitive description. The zone is mentioned in the books named Mohavarot,Puran,Bed and Ain-E-Akbori.After reviewing the past history of the district, it is seen that once upon a time the zone was full of deep jungle. A race that is acquired with Anarzo who cut the jungle and made for accommodation at first.

It is found different information with a view to searching the naming of Jashore district. There are huze lezends about the Jashore name.It is seen that there are different opinions among historians about naming. So,It can not be come to unique decision about the matter. Jashore is the most primitive distinct from the establishment of Bangladesh. Remarkable Jashore district in the Southern side was created before two hundred years in 1786.Whole Bango is included under the British reign as a result of aggressive reign of British in Indian subcontinent. British governors were unable to control the people of Jashore because they were always intransigent and struggled therefore,the governors converted Jashore as an exclusive district for their conve nience in regard to reign. The area at the time of established Jashore first was Khulna,Kushtia, Faridpur and today's Churasipurbo,including undivided  Jashore vast area of

 Indian West Bengal which was broadened.


Jashore district was free zone before two hundred years from the establishment Jashore district that is to say,before four hundred years from 1674 to next long time from today and the zone was governed by free dynasts.Once upon a time Jashore area was acquainted with Vatir Desh.The area of free Jashore zone was broadened in the East side Modhumoti river,in the northern side Horinghata,in the West side Indian Kushdip and primitive Vagirothi and in the Southern side Bay of Bengal.


Those who were rulers of free Jashore zone like greatking Bikrommaditto,king Protapaditto,king Sitaram Roy particularly remarkable. Someone thinks that prominent saint and Islam preacher Khan Jahan Ali was free ruler in Jashore.And someone says that Khaza KhanJahan Ali was delegate sent by Mamud Sah who is Sultan of Delhi.Furthermore, delegates sent by emperors of Delhi in different times or local rulers have declared liberation of Jashore but frequently that revolution has strictly  controlled.


English rulers have again been unable to control vast Jashore at the time of  peasant  and indigo revolt in 1860.At that time English men converted Khulna,Jhinaidah,Magura and Narail into sub-division(1861-62).The district's Southern part Satkhira was connected to Chabbis Pargona district in 1863.Jashore was divided and the sub-division of the district Khulna was increased into district after long 20 years in1881.At the same time Satkhira was divided from Chabbis Pargona and included to Khulna district and increased into sub-division. Sub-division Bongram of Westbengal was included to Jashore district at the last part of 1863.

Whole Bango including Jashore was free and strong zone in the first and second century. It is found clear in the map of Tolemy in second century. After that,it was assumed that Jashore was under Bango till fifth century. Samudro Gupto of Indian northern Gupto empire  broadened to Bangodesh as a result mentioned zone including Jashore became included to his empire at the beginning of sixth century.But after falling Gupto empire in sixth century Jashore was again included to Vanga zone.


Bangodesh was occupied by emperor Shashanko of Ghouro in seventh century and Jashore was under the empire. Emperor Horsobordhon accepted the ruling power of the zone from Shashanko.

Jashore is governed by Buddha king for a while in the middle of seventh century. Man's future depends on his individual work after arrival Goutom Buddho who is introducer of Buddho religion  in BC sixth century. The basic principle of Buddho religion and relic carry its memories.

A king named king Jashoremoni accepts the reign from Buddhas.Next,Pal reign is established after Jashoremoni.Pal kings keep their reign mentioned zones including Jashore till 1080.Next,it is known thatBormon kings reign Jashore after Pal reign till 1150.Next,Sen kings established their reign here.Sen kings continue their reign in Jashore till 1204.Lakhon Sen is the last king of Sen descendant.

The emperor of Delhi,Shihabuddin's a Muslim marshal Ektieruddin Mohammad Bin Boktier Kholzi fells and accepts the reign of Bangadesh in1204 and this subcontinent first includes with muslim reign but there are different opinions among historians about the reign.

Representatives selected by Dilhi's emperors govern Jashore till fourteenth century. A free dynast, Sultan Samsuddin Illias Sha wins Bangadesh and includes Jashore to his reign in the middle of the mentioned century. After that the zone is governed by free dynasts one after another. Das descendants start their reign after felling Illias Shahi descendants in1487.Das kings continue their reign till 1493. Jashore is under Sultan Alauddin Hussen Sha after falling of Das descendants. Hussen Shahi continues his reign in the zone till 1538.

Next,historical prominent pathan emperor Shersah accepts the reign of Bangadesh and Jashore is included to his reign.Prominent mughal dynasty starts their memorable reign in  the vast area of Indian subcontinent after pathan reign. At that time prominent mughal emperor Akbor engages first representative(Fozder) and starts to reign in the zone.The first representative (Fozder) was Enayet Kha.Next,Sharforaz Kha,Nurullah Kha were Fozders in Jashore zone, one by one.

Jashore was governed by local king named Sitaram Roy in the reign of Bengali Nawab Murshidkuli Kha during  Nawab reign.Sitaram was northern Rur descendant 's Kaiasto.His father Udoi Naraon Vushner was an Tahsildar  under the Fozder.King Sitaram Roy's capital was in Mohammadpur.Nawab Murshidkuli Kha sent soldiers against King Sitaram Roy because Sitaram disobeyed the Nawab.Sitaram was defeated in the battle. Next, Jashore was divided into few Zamindaris after falling Sitaram. They included the East side of Nator landlord district,the Southern side of Chasra landlord district and the Northern side of Naldanga landlord within their Zamindari.


Governor of Ghouro, Daud's a trusty co-operator, Srihori declares the freedom of Jashore at the last part of Sixteenth century  in 1574 and establishes free Jashore. This Srihori is acquainted with Bikrommaditto in history. King of Ghouro, Daud provides the designation, Bikrommaditto. It is known that the capital of Bikrommaditto was in Issorpur and Tekatia.Bikrommaditto died in 1586.Bikrommaditto's trusty co operator and kinsman, Bosonto Roy was real governor. Bosonto Roy developed Jashore with unlimited property which was looted from Ghouro.

Bosonto Roy declared as a king the son of Todio, Protapaditto in 1587 after death of Bikrommaditto. The real name of Protapaditto is Gopinath.He was born in Ghouro in the year of 1560.He was endowed with the designation, Protapaditto. The capital of Protapaditto was at Dhumghat at the zone of Sundarban. Emperor of Delhi,Nashir Sha provided Mabud Sha Khaza Jahan or Khan Jahan Ali as a highposted co-operator with  Fief in Bangadesh in 1400. Khan Jahan Ali,designation  was provided byemperor Mahmud Sha. His real name is Ulug Khan. Khan Jahan Ali became received the reign of Jashore after coming Bangadesh and continues his reign and engaged himself to preach Islam.After that, he was a famous Islamic saint as well as religion preacher and achieved a lot of reputation in this case.Some historians assume that KhanJahan Ali was the inhabitant and establisher of Zonoupur and from that he arrived in the county. The remarkable co-operator of KhanJahan Ali was Hazrat Garib Sha who was tombed in Jashore town.Khan Jasan Ali's capital was Paigeam of Jashore. Khan Jahan Ali's tomb and his many credits carry his memories at Bagherhat in Jashore.

The last free Nawab Sirajudulla of undivided Bengaldefeated through the conspiracy of 1757 and then Englishmen captured the freedom of the subcontinent temporarily. Then,English reign starts and colour discrimination reign.Englishmen continue their absorptivity and torture almost 200 years.

From historical Siphahi revolt in 1857 to Indigo revolt, peasants struggle including country  movement and a lot of revolution  were organised one by one against Englishmen. Next,Englishmen were repulsed from this country in 1947.Jashore was included within East Pakistan during division of country in1947.Weat Pakistan used the zone long two yugs as its colony and aggressive reign 's non visible absorptivity and misgovernment were going on.

Englishmen became repulsed from this subcontinent in 1947. They kept their misstrategy 's seed before their exit.As a result of that the country became divided and that gave birth two countries like India and Pakistan from undivided Bengal.In it the county named Pakistan was formed with absolute unreal and unconscious thoughts which has already proved.

As a result of division in 1947 East area of undivided Bengal was included as temporary part of Pakistan and West area was included as a part of India.In which geographical position of Jashore became changed as a result of selected area sign.Bongram sub-division of Jashore was again connected  with India.



The formation and readjustment of Jashore was continuing from 1876 to 1984.Mohammadpur of Magura sub-division and Thana of Narail Alfadanga were connected to Faridpur district in 1960.Jashore was reformed with a view to administrative development by Bangladesh government in 1984. As a result of that four sub-divisions of the district like Narail,Magura,Ghinaidah and Sadar became  turned into four individual districts.After reviewing history  it is seen that the mentioned zones including Jashore were under different governors and different governed region.


Bangladesh became independent in 1971 under the leadership of Bongobondhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahaman who is the most prominent politician, humanitarian leader and founder of Bangladesh. Pakistani army was brutally killed 30(thirty) lakh innocent people and brutally raped  more than 2(two) lakh innocent women  of Bangladesh during liberation war. As a result of those misdeeds, they made an example of terrible genocide and  the worst activities.


Jashore has played an effective role in all cases like repulsion of Englishmen, Indigo revolt,Te-vaga movement, peasants revolt,language movement and liberation.


The flag of independent Bangladesh is first hoisted from Jashore.

Source of information :

1) History of Jashore -Monoronjon Biswas.

 2)History of Jashore -Asaduzaman Asad.