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Background History of District Administration

Background History of District Administration

Until 1765, Jashore was under Yousufpur and Sayedpur Zamindar with a land area of 1365 square kilometres covering Jashore District, Bagerhat, Satkhira & Khulna District and parts of 24 pargana. Later on, repeatedly the boundary had been changed and finally Jashore had been turned into a separate District. 

In 1786, Jashore (greater Jashore District) was fully reorganized / refurbished by taking Faridpur, the east part of Isamoti River and parts of 24 pargona District. One Collector and one District Magistrate were appointed for this region. In 1793, Bhushna, Nowapara and Kushtia district had been annexed under Jashore (Jessore) District. In 1794, when some areas of 24 pargana had been made the part of Nadia District, Jashore (Jessore) had been extended in west upto Jhikargacha. In 1814, Faridpur had been separated from Jashore district. I n 1928, Pangsha, Kushtia, Modhupur and Khoksha had been made parts of Pabna District.

In 1860-61, in consequence of the Indigo revolt (Nil vidroha), considering Jashore as the Headquarter (District Headquarter), Khulna, Jhenaidah, Magura and Jashore Sadar had been made separate subdivisions. In 1882, Khulna and Bagerhat had been separated from Jashore. In 1883, Bongaon had been included in Jashore (Jessore) district. The District Headquarter of Jashore had been established in Muralee. Later on, in 1790, the Headquarter had been established at present place.

In 1772-1774, Warren Hastings experimentally appointed Mr. Samuel Charter as the Collector of Jashore with a view to collecting maximum revenue. The appointed person was simultaneously empowered as a Collector, District Magistrate and Judge of a Civil Court. In 1774, provincial council had been founded abolishing the post of Collector. At that time, a person worked as the Judge and Magistrate. In 1861, Tilman Henkill had been deputed as the Judge and Magistrate of Jashore district. In 1786, Jashore Collectorate had been founded and Henkill had been worked as the first Collector.

Kolkata (Calcutta) was the Headquarter for collecting revenues of the eastern zone before Tilman’s taking office. For making the revenue management disciplined, Mr. Tilman proposed to set up a Collectorate at Jashore (Jessore) and the authority of the company accepted it. Before the administrative separation, the Collector applied all out power along with collecting revenue. In 1793, the power of the Collector had been separated from the power of a Judge and Magistrate. Lord Cornwallis aborted the judicial power of a ‘Daroga’ (‘Sub-Inspector’) and gave Magistrates little / limited judicial power of criminal court. For carrying out judicial activities of vital criminal cases, ‘Court of Circuit” had been formed and the post ‘Nazim”, which was formed in the Nababi regime/ era, had been replaced by “Nizamot Court” (“Nizamot Adhalot”). Several police stations had been established in the district. In the district level, the posts of Judges and Munsifs had been created.

Until 1781-1789, Tilman Henkill discharged the responsibilities of a Judge both in the Criminal Court and Civil Court. He was also the controlling authority of the police department. In the tenure of Cornwallis, though he had lost magisterial power, the Collector later on got limited power of magistracy of criminal court and the control of the police department. In the Jashore district, for a long time, English people and different persons of the subcontinent performed the duties of a Collector and District Magistrate.

Later on, for supervising different development works, District Magistrates were started to be designating as Deputy Commissioners or District Officers. A Deputy Commissioner carries out the tasks of supervising development works. He conducts judicial activities of less vital criminal cases, controls the police and maintains the law and order situation and as such he is known as District Magistrate. Moreover, He is a Collector as he is entrusted the duty of revenue management.

A Deputy Commissioner as a District Magistrate coordinates and supervises activities of all departments of the district. He was the president of the then Zilla Board. To assist a Deputy Commissioner in the activities of general administration, revenue management and judicial activities, an Additional Deputy Collector (General), an Additional Deputy Collector (Revenue) and an Additional District Magistrate respectively are appointed. Later on, another Additional Deputy Commissioner (Education & ICT) has been created.