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Famous Manors and administration

Ischafpur zamindari

Jessore district was divided mainly into three four zamindari. In the east between Bhairab and Pasha, the whole of the area and the entire area spreading to Ichhamati was the Isafpur zamindari. The zamindar was the king Srikanth Roy. The road that stretched from Calcutta to Jessore had moved to Dhaka, near the border of the northern boundary his zomidari.The estate was called Ichhapur zamindari.

Syedpur zamindari

The estate of ichappur was twelve anna of the original zamindari. The other four were detached. The isolated part consists mainly of Saidpur and 27 Parganas. The name of the state was later named as Sayedpur.

Mohammad Shahi State

The boundary that was said so far was that Mohammad Shahi State was located right north of Syedpur zamindari.This state was under the Noldanga family.

Bhusoana Zamindari

Then the most famous zamindari was Bhusana zamindari, which was a part of the reign of the king of Natore. During the days of Bhushan, only the current Faridpur district was not included Rather, the north est of Naldi, Pargna, Satpur and Mukimpur parganas were included  to the present Jessore. Though Bhusana was a part of the occupied territory of Natore, always it was regarded as a separate zamindari.

Other small zamindari

Besides all these big and famous zamindars, there were some small zamindari in this district.Hogla and Belfulia Pargana were recognized as some of the big zamindari among them. Zamindar Krishn Singh Roy was a landlord here No further information about this family can be known without which the heirs of which are later engaged in conflict with zamindari share.

The concept of zamindari authority

To name the name of another zamindari with Selimabad and other small zamindari. This estate is Sultanpur zamindari. Kashinath Dutta was landlord of the zamindari estate. When the zamindar of Sultanpur got into debt Kashinath Dutta, a person named, paid all the debts and According to the Revenue Committee in 1774, he got zamindari of the region. As a result, he was given the rights of thirteen assets of that state. Many such examples can be recorded from the history of the chagra royal family,Where the ruling class has changed the ownership of the state from the failed zamindar to the full stranger only on the condition of paying the debt. But later the British government adopted a specific policy.

Differences between large and small zamindari

The zamindars mentioned are spread over almost all the districts of this district, but many smaller zamindari were spread out on different parts of this country.During the permanent settlement, the number of zamindars in the country was more than 100. But the characteristics of the big zamindari and ownership were different from the smallest.  It can be said here that small zamindarias were either large or separate parts made from a separate state. Large zamindars were involved in the administration of this country which was not effective for small zamindars.