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The History of Naming and Foundation of Jashore.

According to "Context of History Of Jashore or Jashorer Etihas Prosonggo" written by Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin Siddiq. According to author Horischandro Torkalongkar first give the clarification of naming Jashore. He thought that the naming of "জসর রাজ্য"  happened by consuming the glory of bengal long-lasting capital Gaur but he gave no exact clue of the information.He said " রম্নচিরারম্নচিহরে" meaning Consumer of beauty as any beautiful things compare to it, it doesn’t have any beauty. In his consideration it means highest renowned. A sign be found from a feet long manuscripts

"বাণ দ্বন্ধঈচান্দ্রঃ পরিণত শকে  কৃষ্ণতোষাভিলাষঃ

শ্রীমন্দিরশ্বসখাসোস্ত বকুল কমলোদ্ভাসকো ভানুতুল্যঃ।

  ভ্রাজচ্ছিলৌঘযুক্তং রম্নচিররম্নোচি হরেকৃষ্ণগেহং বিচিত্রং

শ্রীসীতারারায়ো যদুপতি নগরে ভক্তিমানুৎসর্সঙ্গ"।

"In those verses translated by Sotismitro said " বাণ=5,দ্বন্ধ=2,অই=6,চন্দ্র=1 opposite to 1625 shock or 1703 gotten."কৃষ্ণতোষাভিলাষ" adjective of Sitaram."Biswaskhas" was the designation of Sitaram's forbear. Simple meaning of the shocks   who had opened his trust-own-family-graft

 and was bright like sun, that devout Sri Sitaram Ray his own  Gurumns devoted Horekrishno temple to setisfy Krishnabolsnov in 1625 shocks enchanter ( Kanai) at brighten and with testing  art gellary town."

We got first inscription's damaged part through Westland of Sitaram Ray at Kanainogor  out of temple. He received the  part of Sesnac ( রম্নচির রম্নচির হরে) as enchanter city and by a lot of imagination and work he gave it the meaning of "Beauty Consumer " but it is known to everyone that  for iconic village name Horekrishnur " রম্নচির রম্নচি"  is the adjective of "হরেকৃষ্ণগেহং"। Here by the "রম্নচি" word mean the name of Rommoci, architectural technologist  or systemer, or the the temple made by Rommoci architecture.

From above discussion we can understand that Westland Couldn't transulate local language and word properly also fail to realise and  presented taint information or he appointed a Jashore Zella Collectoret who is fail to discover right decipher. Second if we think Westland was right but a question arise How was defination of naming Jashore consist in the adjective between   Jodupotinagor and Kanainagor? Obviously at the time of king Sitaram was not similar  to Jodupotinagor or Kanainagor and Jashore's supporter. Thirdly he explained " রম্নচির রম্নচি হরে" consumer of beauty but basd on this he explained Jashore as "Highest renowned ". Simple people know that Horekrishno is hindu God or the name of war. He translated Hora as kidnapper and there found the meaning of glory. He named himself and it also misleading and based on wry read. He rejected Torkalongkar explanation saying as "some trouble imagination " in the same way we along with Sotishchandro Mitro rejected westland explanation saying as  "some trouble imagination".

Alexander Karnimham also given another explanation about naming Jashore. He had written 'Jashore' is the changing  state of Arabic word  " জসর". Arabic "জসর" means bridge or culvert.

At the beginning of Muslim raids whole Jashore was full of a lot of canal, bill, river that's why to overcome these and to communicate we needed bridge and   culvert. For using bridge and culvert a lot pilgrim muslim named the region as "জসর". This জসর varied to জসর-যশর-যশোর-যশোহর। Many a people discussed about naming Jashore.

   By analysing the ministerial history  of Jashore we  find that There was no ministerial area in Sultani period.In Hossain Shahi period Jashore was divided into 13 Arsha,then Jashore-Khulna were in Kholifatabad and Fatehabad. They divided Jashore into 19 government at the beginning of Mughal period. There was no different government in name of Jashore.When Bangla  was re-set into 13 slice in Murshidkuli khan's period Jashore was one of them. Jashore isn’t very old in ministerial history rather it’s name was exposed after coming the Muslim and recognised as one ministerial period. Second there we don't get any archeology trough which we can prove It’s ancienty. Third recharging Geography and geology we find that Jashore isn't very old. Fourth there is no existance of Jashore in ancient and middle age's map such as there is Jashore in Tolemis map also in Saisun designed bangla's map in 1652. Fifth book written  in modern age based on ancient history of bengal there also no mention of Jashore.  Sixthly at the beginning of Islam the Muslim simply name people and places in their own religious  language Arabic and it had become their tradition. Then in India  any any  sectors French was used with  Arabic. Sufi Saint were main to spread Islam.They name people and places in Arabic was very simple so named the Bengal using Arabic language had become a historical event. Name places in Arabic was not unnatural incident it also happened in naming Jashore.

Mirza Nathan has used the word 'jossore' repeatedly to describe the dimissal of Fowler and so on.Both of them have written the word 'jossore' means 'bridge' as well as 'place at the same spelling, that means 'culvert' or 'bridge'.It has been accepted the word 'jashore' has derived from the Arabic word 'jossore'.

Taking the mentioned subjects under consideration, we can easily say that the designation of jashore district is not antique, rather of middle age.The history of Bangla of middle period is the history of Muslims of The idea of Caningham about the origin is nearly true that the jashore name has come the Arabic word 'jossore'.The opinion of Cunningham based on history, tradition, geography, geology, archaeology,logic and other perspectives is mostly acceptable among the published opinions.So, it may not probably incorrect that the modern name of jashore district has derived from the Arabic word 'jossore'.It has been known from the book "The History of Jashore-khulna" of Sotish Chandra Mitra that after becoming the emperor of Dilli Akbar saw that the whole Indian states are full of revolt.He thought that if he fails to remove these problems, the crown of Delhi may be shattered. When he entered the kingdom of Delhi, then most of the areas are governed by Corroranies. Suleman Khan the then ruller of Corrorany period made a benevolent treaty with Akbar. His son Byazid Khan was not so intelligent ruller as his father. As a result, a quarrel was created with his attendances. After that Byazid Khan was killed and Hashu Khan came into power but Daud Khan, the younger son of Suleman Khan, took revenge on Hashu Khan with the help of Lodi and came into power. After becoming the king, Daud introduced "khudbah" and "coin" according to his own name.David inherited the Father's kingdom and fluttered it. When he saw that he had one hundred forty thousand infantry, 40000 cavalry 3300 hosamas, 20000 guns, and numerous warships, he declared  liberation. It was his intention to rid the Mughals from the country.  But his predecessor Vikramaditya's father, elderly Bhavananda knew about the victories of the Mughal rulers and the victory of the state and he informed Vikramaditya about this.Bikramaditya warns King Dawod as his father's words.But King David was driven by his own intelligence. Besides, Bhawananda also realized that the self-proclaimed Pathans  could not create resistance against the Mughal forces.So he planed to leave the kingdom of Gaur with his family.He knew there was a  land east of the Jamunaspreaded tovthe sea of ​​southern Bengal. During this time, this land was conquered by a person named Chand Kha. Chand khan died and he had no heir.According to Bhabanad, Vikramaditya  got this area just wanted to seek Daud and as soon as the foundation of the kingdom of Jessore was established in 1574.

The Mughals entered the Jamuna near Hughli-Trivani and gradually started moving towards Gaura. When the decline was inevitable, David realized that the result of the uprising was  resulted. But he did not agree to escape. Finally  a amir named Badal Khan using drugs was able to escape in naval way while being unconscious. Bikramaditya then came back behind the king with his wealth and loaded the boat. He sent his father Bhawananda and his family to Jessore before.It is hard to flee with riches Daud asked Vikramaditya to keep this property in his possession.Bikramaditya flew to Jessore with all the wealth by ships. Later when Dawood became the lone lover of the Mughals he was given the rule of Orissa. And the authority of Bangla Bihar was given to Munaim Khan  by making the Gaur Capital of the region. After the death of Monem Kha Jahan was sent to Bengal as governor. When Dawood Khan found the opportunity to catch arms against the Mughals, he was defeated and killed in battle byJahan Kha and the rule of Gaura ended.

So it can be said that in the year 1574 during the reign of Dawood the kingdom of Jessore was established. For nearly two hundred years Gaur's wealth was deposited was carried  to Jashore through Bikramaditta. But according to historians, the invention of the idol of "Jayshwar devi" and the introduction of a silver coin called "Kartastan or Puran" and the construction of temple in Chandwarya, in the name of Lakhan Sen's Jeshareshvi Devi, was mentioned in the book "Dibijijay Prakash", that proved that there was a glorious kingdom before Vikramaditya in Jessore.This statement is more evident in the study of Vincent Smith and other famous monetarists.

Interestingly, the ancient kingdom of that time was named Jessore. In that sense Jashore is a modern and ancient name.In the book written before the time of Pratapaditya, Jessore was not called as Jessore. In those days, Jessore border was  Madhumati river to the east, Keshabpur on the north, Kuldip on the west and ancient Bhagirathi Khat and the Bay of Bengal to the south.

Gradually everyone attention started to hold to this future political importance place.  The story of the newly built, decorated and protected Jessore, then reached Gaura through the public. Therefore  not only for the sake of independence but also for the purpose of life people have come together here. Gradually, Jessore became a populated state. At this time, the last defeat and killing of Dawood near Khanan Jahan happened. Bikromaditto and Rosomotto was with Dawood but after his death they flew away to save themselves.

During this time, the Mughals learned that there is a complaint of Vikramaditya, Bastam Roy, Shivanand etc. in Gaur and they told them to surrendered. At last Bikramditto and Bosomotto appeared before the king and there Bikromaditto was adressed as "Samontoraz".  Bikromaditto got special loyalty of Todormol which led him to obtained the Rajshahi Sanad of Jessore State in 1577 and he heigher the throne of the kingdom. Bikramaditya and Basant Roy  who possess the absolute  wealth of Gaur were in peace with the Mughals and ruled the state of Jessore with peace.After a long time South Bengal got rid of anarchy and saw the face of peace and the happiness and prosperity of the people increased.

According to the Jessore District Report written by West Land apart from mentioning the name of Raja Pratapaditya the history of Jessore remained  incomplete. King Bikramaditya founded the city that today's Jessore. Bikramaditya was the chief minister of the court of Gour King Daud.Gour was the last Bengali  autonomous region. In 1573-74, when King Dawood opposed the Emperor of Delhi as a wise adviser King Vikramaditya opposed this move. He realized that soon there will be major destruction going on and at the same time decided to take the family to a place where he could spend the rest of his life safely. As a result, he bought a kingdom near the Sundarbans. He came to the new state from Gaur with his family and his loyal people Vikramaditya named  the city as Yasora. When everything


in the kingdom of Gaur was going against King Dawood and realized that he had to go to a new state and he started to take preparation as his need.