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Primary Police Administration (1781-90) and crime scene

Primary Police Administration (1781-90) and crime scene

The first judge and magistrate of Jessore district. Tillman Henkel reformed the police administration. At the beginning of British rule, the fighters were senior police officers. Under them was the police station. In all, there were 5 police stations in Jessore district at that time. These are the present Khulna of Bhushan, Mirznagar, Dharmapur and Noabad. A few posts were formed with outposts. Police officers were paid. But the outposts were operated by intelligence and information providers. These goondoras did not get paid. They made a living by earning money from innocent people.

Mr. Henkel arrived in Murali in the middle of May 7, and shortly afterwards he proposed to arrange the infiltration of the police force. The criminal system was taken to provide relief to the people from their unspeakable oppression. In fact, the entire criminal system was the result of oppression and corruption. At that time there were four police stations viz. Bhushan, Mirznagar (near Trimohini), Noabad (located in Khulna), and Dharampur. Meanwhile, one place was Shahjial Police Station. There were several outposts in these police stations. There were paid officers at the police station, but the outposts were operated by detectives or informants. The detectives or informants had no pay. Because of this, it was unlikely that they would take innocent people in their pursuit of a living and earn money from them. It was a procedure that senior officers such as the faujdar and the police did not take any action to stop the crime. They were probably part of the crime.

The criminal police failed completely to prevent the perpetrators. However, many people were in jail at that time. But the innocent could hardly be protected from associating with the guilty. It is undoubtedly true that when Mr. Henkel took over the district of Jessore, there were about five strong bandits of bandits in the district, and they roamed around the district for bandits. The fighter had undoubtedly taken steps to control the robbery and the robbery, but it was very inadequate.

In this context, Mr. Henkel originally proposed manpower changes. He did not mention any methodological changes. He slammed himself into the position of the two extinct army officers, saying that there would be a giridar or a police chief in each police station. His duty will be to bring the robbers and bring them to court and bring them to trial. He will not be an Informer under the Police Chief. They will be foreign soldiers or indigenous Barkadas who are able to fight against their opponents. His police system was much more military-minded than the intelligence, which was more fitting then. The aim of these forces was not only to prosecute minor crimes but also to control and suppress major crimes like robbery and robbery. If robbery took place anywhere, it would have been a major one. In this case, the bandits of detectives had to follow them to their base. But the robbers relied more heavily on the strength of their party than on protecting the privacy of their bases, and it was a paramilitary operation altogether. When the detectives were sure of the whereabouts of the robbers at the end of the pursuit, the zamindar was forced by government officials to supply his assigned staff (always a semi-policeman) or manpower. But in the traditional system of Henkel, this dependence arose from the zamindars too.

Land police

The zamindars had no law requiring separate police forces. They were expected to maintain wealth and property from their smugglers through their employees and hand over to the guilty authorities. When Mr. Henkel appointed the Giridar and the policemen, the zamindar employees were brought in to assist them. However, the zamindars opposed it. In one of his letters, Mr Henkel alleged that the Naib of Bhushan's zamindar refused to help his regular police force by providing them with pike or nakadis (armed footmen).

The new police station at Murali was unlike any previous police station. Even Mr. Henkel's proposal had nothing to do with it. Mr Henkel himself wanted to do the work that policemen do elsewhere. When his proposal was accepted by the government, a group of four sepoys were sent to Murali. Besides, four persons were appointed in Bhushan and Mirznagar and five in Dharampur as small police stations. It is not known whether the force of Noabad (Khulna) received such force. The force that was sent to Khulna with the salt division was believed to have full military force.

The responsibility of the police is completely handed over to the zamindars (12 AD).

This newly-established police system operates on a monthly allocation of Tk. 3-5 per month. Over time, this has proved to be very costly in the commercial eyes of the government. Despite Mr Henkel's remorse, the place of the sepoys replaced Barkandaj and the government announced that the entire police system would be abolished before this order was issued. Only Murali's police force remained at Mr. Hankel's convenience.

The official order in which this action was taken declared that all landlords, chowdhurs and talukdars who have maintained control over their zamindari and other lands should take effective steps so that no kind of robbery, theft and murder can occur in their district. . All the culprits have to do their utmost to bring them to trial. Whenever the magistrate directs, they have to go to the police station. They have to appoint a sufficient number of officers and the appointed officers must be held accountable to the people and at the same time comply with the orders of the magistrate. Landlords in the area who have been victims of robbery will have to compensate the victims.

If a zamindar causes or causes murder, robbery or breach of law, then he will be punished with the highest death penalty. According to the nature of the zamindar case, all other misconduct will result in punishment if it is liable for deliberate reasons. As a result of this arbitrary order, the zamindars were compelled to discharge their duties. The following areas are identified as police stations -

3) Mirznagar, Murali, Lakindi, Khajura, between Isafpur and Saidpur zamindari.
2) Kaliganj and Jhenaidah (both these areas and Bhatiapara) of Muhammadshahi State.
There were three outposts under Bhushan police station.)
3) Shamsialia, the abbot of Shahzial.
3) Noabad Haveli (Hogla Pargana), Meherpur (Sultanpur Parganah)

The number of police stations, including Murali, was increased from 1 to 5. This systemic change came from the need for decentralization. Landlords naturally opposed carrying this cost. However, the magistrates could have kept the force at the headquarters. They could use this force on any mission. The number of police stations varies from time to time by the magistrate. The Magistrate provided the following list of police stations in the following year:

The police stations that were under the control of the zamindars are Dharampur, Ichakada (one of the oldest outposts, which was adjacent to Magura), Jhenaidah, Taragonia, Maheshpur. The government was in control - Jhenaidah, Noabad. This list (which might be a bit truer, because Jhenaidah's name comes up twice) seems at first to seem like nothing has changed. In 9 th, all the police stations of Bhushan and Shahjiaal were handed over to the Rajshahi and the border of the 20 Parganas was changed.

The method by which the police system was imposed on the landlord's shoulders was effective from 12 to 8-12, that is, before Lord Cornwallis's administrative reform. The magistrates had the power to appoint the police station or girder on a temporary basis. Due to this power, the District Magistrate of Jessore was able to physically control two government police stations (Jhenaidah and Noabad). But all the financial responsibility of this extraordinary work fell on the landlord. As a functioning and energetic magistrate like Mr. Henkel, the problems that usually arise in this national police system did not give rise to anything. So it can be stressed that after many years, through many exercises, the police system came to a much better position than during the military regime. The good aspect of this activity is that the government and the then officers took over the overall supervision and management of the police in their own hands and restricted the participation of the zamindars in this regard.

The defensive declaration of June 12 was a dead letter. In the case of robbery, the responsibility of the zamindars could never be applied except in the worst case scenario. The only part that had a real application was to force the zamindar to set up and maintain a police station. Even this part of the order could not be applied to Jhenaidah and Nawab. When a joint responsibility and authority is conferred on two persons whose actions and interests are different; For example, a magistrate - a business person who participates in any work for the sake of duty, another is a landlord, who likes to work as little as possible and is always afraid of the consequences of his work - giving the joint responsibility of two people to a job that results. This is the case with Jhenaidah and Noabad.

The scheme of control of the police by the zamindars gradually vanished. According to Jay Westland, "It was actually a Muslim government for those who failed to look into the finer things and wanted nothing but floaty fruit." When Kimt arrived in the English governing district, they brought a new impression that the world was not built for the happiness of a famous family who would control everything they wanted. And it is impossible to pinpoint the proper civic duty from those individuals who will receive nothing and lose nothing at the same time. "Therefore, the zamindars will enthusiastically assist the magistrates in their zeal for past irresponsible work. Abolishing power, it is absolutely unnecessary to yell. In this case the magistrates excluded many zamindars who were disruptive to the work. The magistrates only hoped that the government should obey the zamindars properly. From that time on, the level of public service of the zamindars began to decline, and the fulfillment of their responsibilities came to a close.

Sundarbans Police

The then government took steps to provide toll boats in the Sundarbans river. From the eastern districts, the route to Kolkata was the crossing of Fakirhat from Kachua and the crossing of Kadabak and Kaliganj near Chandkhali. In those days there was also an outward path. But the path was used only when the inner path could not be used. On that route, there were 8-20 boats operating during the dry season.

Naturally, this navigable route was a bandit sanctuary. Not only did people go there for banditry, but many went as fishermen in general, but they also got involved with banditry when given the opportunity. The river route was very dangerous during the riots. At that time, the navigable route was not between the cultivated land and the villages on the two sides, but on both sides of this path were dense forest and inadequate forest habitats.

The Sundarbans were always a sanctuary of robbers and bandits and their destruction came to the notice of the then government. The government had asked the magistrate to propose what measures could be taken to prevent the incident. Accepting the magistrate's proposals, the government introduced sail patrols in the river through six guards to protect the ships. It was about 4. But a year later, the government began to realize the cost. Therefore, in view of the expenditure, the burden of the expenditure was again imposed on the shoulders of the zamindars according to the previous general plan. The government felt that it was the main responsibility of the government to do everything through the zamindars. Hekkel protested against the Siddhamatmars, and in response to his plea, the Guardport Pretol Force was put in place.

Image of crime

Mr. Henkel's correspondence describes some of the incidents of crime and police activities in the district at that time, viz.

Diamond Sardar's forces

Shortly after Mr. Henkel's arrival, he wrote a letter stating that the most notable was the name of the diamond robber. The diamond robber often wreaked havoc on the raiyats from forty miles. The Nawab of Murshidabad often ordered the diamond robber to be arrested, but the zamindars always declared him dead to protect him. Mr Henkel, through Mr Havlon's letter, learned that the diamond was detained in the Sardar jail. But Mr Henkel thought he was not safe even in the prison. He had already received a promise from the government to provide a military force on a permanent basis; He asked the force to join Murali. It was reported to him that a group of 5 people gathered in Khulna to free the diamond Sardar from captivity. He was later able to hold the diamond chief in jail until he was tried

Loot of public treasures

On January 3, a band of 6,7 robbers ambushed a government convoy carrying Bhushan to Kolkata (Tk 4,000). They killed some of the guards and looted a portion of the property. Only 3 people were arrested from a place called Tumlok in Midnapore which was later considered as the wrong person.

Narail Kali Shankar

The ancestor of the Narail family was Kali Shankar Dutta or Roy, a man who first appeared in a letter written by Mr. Henkel. Where Henkel introduced him as 'a robber and a notorious sham breaker'. Kali Shankar was originally a lathial zamindar who was even worse than a robber.

The events of June 7th. On that night, Kali Shankar, his brother Nandu Dutt and more armed men attacked a steering boat and injured the middle. Henkel dispatched a group of sepoys led by Ginidwar Kutubulvar to arrest the 4 robbers. The group came to Narail with a secret family member of Narail. Kali Shankar had made the men there to fight. He divided his people into four. The battle lasted four hours and Kali Shankar was the winner for six days. He was able to kill two of the magistrate's forces and injure five. General Qutubul Ha was wounded in the clash.

Receiving the defeat, Henkel re-energized and was able to capture Nandu Dutt and other party chiefs in a united effort. But Kali Shankar was nowhere to be found. He fled to the shelter of Natore's landlord. Later, when he was ordered to withdraw from the government, the zamindar of Natore helped him escape to Kolkata. Kali Shankar was hiding there by a landowner's agent in Natore. After many hardships and long hours, Kali Shankar was found and arrested and brought back to Murali. It was a firm step in bringing peace to the region.

It is known locally that Kali Shankar was later secretly tried through the door. It is said that the crime that Kali Shankar committed was not a robbery, it was a robbery. Its main purpose was to upset a wealthy business family by which Kali Shankar once lived. Yet he had to be punished for his armed resistance with his allies

Meeting of landlords and criminals

Mr Henkel complained on 3 April that the king of Natore did not handle Bhushan police station properly and as a result, the number of robberies in Bhushan area increased. At the same time, the issue of Kali Shankar came to the fore and one of the armed men attacked Bhushan police station and took away the eight robbers from Bhushan police station and another party launched a massacre at Bhushan area at the same time. The zamindar of Natore played a quiet role in this regard

The then criminal nations of Jessore

Jessore was the only criminal nation. The first one is basically the Vaidya community. Jhikargachha Police Station used to meet Ginger. They were known as a plundering nation. To some people they were known as Vaidya, who usually worked in agriculture. However, stealing was their main occupation for a living. They stayed at the first watch of the night but last night in the river, 20 parganas,He used to roam the streets in other districts including Hooghly. During the night they broke into a door and stole their belongings. They gave more importance to money and gold jewelry for theft. However, the stolen goods were kept away from home without leaving. It's worth mentioning the name of another community. The panchayat community had a different identity to everyone. The people of this community lived in Lohagara police station. They dressed themselves very nicely, just like baboons walking on boats or on foot in the markets and fairs. In a jewelry or a large clothing store, they tied the party up and dressed as a baby. To see what a product was, it would have been hand-picked from one hand to the other, and thus would have strategically removed the item from the store. The shopkeeper was dealing with one or both of the items. However, the prices were so low that the shopkeepers refused to pay, and if the goods had already been removed, they would be cut off from the shop. Sometimes they doWent to the podder shop too. Someone would go for a change and talk to the shopkeeper and move on to something else. If the shopkeeper or someone else was shouting at them as a thief. Then they threw away the stolen goods and pretended to be mad. The life cycle of the Panchai prisoners was strange. They would often go to the sex workers' houses and take the sex workers intoxicated and robbed. Another strategy was to steal them. They sometimes cut hair with beards, cut their beards, and then told beautiful stories. When the customer heard the story, it was a little unpleasant when one of their team came in and took the customer's belongings. Sometimes he would steal boats from time to time. Their habits were so bad that they would steal or intend to steal what they read to their hands.The beard would then tell a beautiful story. When the customer heard the story, it was a little unpleasant when one of their team came in and took the customer's belongings. Sometimes he would steal boats from time to time. Their habits were so bad that they would steal or intend to steal what they read to their hands.

Increasing the tendency of crime and its remedy

The king of Natore was not the only landlord who ignored the escape of famous criminals. At that time, this became a very common activity of landlords. As a result of this, the tendency for crime in those areas increased. The increase in this trend between the ages of 5 to 7 has led to the increase in crime levels. By the end of the 7th, landlords often wrote letters to Muhammad's collector and resident magistrate of the Sonabaria textile factory, alleging organized robbery and numerous party-based robberies. Mr. Henkel's reply to this letter is noteworthy. He wrote that he was sending a group of sepoys to capture and find the perpetrators,At the same time, he warns the landlord to give him information about all the robberies in their area. Mr Henkel Residentnicott sent a sentenced robber for the purpose of hanging him on a rope in an area not visible near the factory. He thought it would cause panic among other robbers. Describing an incident of 9, the robbers found a sign of courage. In October of that year, a group of robbers attacked a boat. There were eight sepoys and one hero in that boat. Out of those three, three were thrown into the water and they drowned. Then the robbers got away with robberyBy doing There were eight sepoys and one hero in that boat. Out of those three, three were thrown into the water and they drowned. Then the robbers got away with robberyBy doing There were eight sepoys and one hero in that boat. Out of those three, three were thrown into the water and they drowned. Then the robbers got away with robbery

Police station

Police system was introduced in case of police. The government was of the opinion that one of the police stations would be located 20 miles away. Mr.According to Rock's proposal, it was enough to establish ten police stations in one district. But the total number of police stations was shown in the census of 5. Of the police stations, Jessore station cost Rs 1 a month and the rest cost 1 rupee and the other 3 rupees a month. In addition, the cost of the guard, boat installation and management was 2,200 rupees. It is noteworthy that in one of the police stations, only one police officer was a Hindu, and everyone else was Muslim. But in 1 we see the opposite. At that time, ten of the twelve Dargahs were Hindus and the other two were Muslims

Police tax

The merchants, traders and shopkeepers were taxed for the expense of all these institutions and were obliged to pay them. Amin, appointed by the Collector, levied this tax. Amins who were obliged to pay taxes were to pay taxes on their wealth. Taxes on their income would not have been fixed. The tax collection rate and time would have to be fixed for the total tax collection at a fixed rate. Amin collected the total amount of Rs. 5 from the entire district by calculating the property of the traders. Of these, the tax collection is 25,7 to 5,3 rupees. Raising this total amount of tax was a difficult task as the number of poor people was high in Jessore. Another reason could be the corruption of the Amins who are collecting taxes. The number of people on whom the tax was levied was not found properly. The tax amount is increased according to the cost of each district. In some other districts the tax rate is disproportionately reduced. Bardhaman was a relatively wealthy district then. 5 per cent of the merchant's wealth was taxed in Burdwan district, but according to the Collector's estimate, Jessore 1.5% tax was required. The traders saw the disparity of the tax, claiming that people in other districts were getting more benefits and that they were able to sustain their institutions. Watch boats were more needed for trade and commerce in Jessore than in other districts. Moreover, the merchants objected to the direct tax on all occasions, and they also had many objections to collecting the necessary toll. The Collector took experimental measures to impose direct taxes in the areas of indirect taxation. As a result, indirect taxes became a huge burden for those who are always paying their taxes directly. This method of direct taxation did not succeed and the government lifted the taxation after several yearsThis method of direct taxation did not succeed and the government lifted the taxation after several yearsThis method of direct taxation did not succeed and the government lifted the taxation after several years

Police system of the 5th

There were 1 police station and 20 police stations in Jessore district. Amrita was a police custodian in the market. It was established only to eliminate the crime of Vaidya. There was also a police control room at Panchachar. He also set up a guard post at the river to curb crime and arrest the perpetrators. A superintendent of police was formed under the superintendent of the 3 in 1 Inspector, 5 Sub-Inspector, 3 Head-Constables and 121 Constables. The strength of the police force was not enough. A police station was deployed for 1,222 people in an area of ​​1.5 km. There was a town police unit in the municipality. For the most part of the village, the village police were formed in the same year with 20 officers and 6 guards. Panchayat system was introduced under the Criminal Procedure Code. The power of the magistrate was given to the chief of the panchayat

Police administration of the year

In 9, the head of the police administration of the district is the police superintendent, who oversees the overall law and order situation in the district. He has an additional police superintendent, three deputy superintendents of police, nine inspectors, seven sub-inspectors and four assistant sub-inspectors to assist him. The district police had control and direction over the entire police force in the district. The district police administration is divided into five circles. The head of each circle is appointed a Circle Inspector. These circles are the 'A' circle under which Kotwali, Jhikargachha and Sarsha police stations; Jhdfadhat 'E' circle under which Keshabpur Monirampur, Bagharpara and Abhaynagar police stations are the remaining circles Jhenaidah, Magura and Narail. Besides, there were 20 police stations in Jessore district. These are -

1) Kotwali 168 sq
ii) Jhikargachha 160 sq
3) sharsha 13 sq
4) Monirampur 17 sq
5) keshabpur 100 sq
6) Bagherpara 105 sq
7) abhaynagar 95 sq
8) Jhenaidaha 18 sq
9) Shailkupa 144 square miles
, 10) Kaligannj 148 square miles
, 11) Kotchandpur 66 sq
1) Moheshpur 00 square miles
, 13) Harinakunda 88 square miles
, 14) Magura 155 square miles
, 15) Shreepur 71 square miles
, 16) Mohammadpur 90 square miles,
17) Shalikha 88 square miles
3) Narail
1 square mile 5) Lohagara 5 square mile
25) Kalia 1 square mile.