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Ancient History of Jashore

Ancient History of Jashore

Present Jashore was devided into many ancient rivers. Here has been created diffent people community of fisherman and boatman.In second decade It is noticed in Tolemis map,in the south side of Bonggio delta's land basically maded by Gonga's two main brances Padma and Vagirothi carried silt.It is noticed in the description of Mohavarot,Roghu clan and other ancient Puran this Bonggio delta part was a part of two poweful kingdom and they are Radha and Bonggo.Radha was also known as Tamrolipi.Based on respective king's strength and power their kingdom area was signed. In this process Jashore came to Bonggo kingdom in 5th decade.

Christian 1st and 2nd decade

According to Tolemi in first and second decade a powerful kingdom was made including Jashore. It's capital was Gonga, a powerful king's kingdom,was situated in the bank of Padma River was situated in the south-west part of Tamrolipti.Being hazardous the history didn't able to know clearly.

Gupto Kingdom (4th-middle of 6th AD)

In 4th decade some free kingdom spreaded in Suronmor and their freedom annihilated by the spreading of Gupto kingdom. Justifing stone inscriptionof Alahabad of Sumudro Gupto he included north and west part of Bengal to his kingdom also ruler of Samatat compelled to confess his rule.By the way Jashore came to Gupta kingdom and ruled till the middle of 6th century.

Gopchandro,Dharmaditto and Shamasar Deb (525-575 AD)

It has been possible to know about three kings by the invention of stone inscription  five from Kotalipara of Foridpur and one from Bordhoman zella but their relation and inheritant couldn't clearly indentified.Many kings existence is imagined from the sign of gold coin from Savar and Foridpur after Shamasar Deb they ruled after Samasar Deb.We haven't clear evidence about them but their given six donation, we get amazing information and they prove that Bonggo was free,powerful and stable government system. At the last of 6th century king Krittibormon (567-597 AD) attacked Bonggo and take the end of Samasar Deb inheritant rule.

At the rising of 7th century present Jashore came to Sosangko (606-637/38) who accumulated all Bangla.

King Harshabardhan (606-647 AD)

Jashore came to Hindu king Harshabardhan after Sasangkko's death. Famous philosopher Huen Sang came to Banggodesh in his time in 639 AD and he told two law land kingdom Samatot and Tamrolipti.I-Ching named philosopher also visited Bonggo also he told about Samatot then Ho-Lo-Shi-Pota was the king.

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Vodro Dynasty ( Raising of 7th century)

It is known from Huen Sang that Vodro dynasty was a part of Brakhmn king and they ruled Samatot probably Jashore.It's not been possible to get clear information about this Dynasty.

Khorog Dynasty (Second half of 7th century)

Khorog named another dynasty came to light at the end of 7th century which ruled Samatot probably Jashore zella and they took the end of Vodro Dynasty. Their identity can be indentified by the copper inscription from Asrafpur of Dhaka zella. By copper inscription we got three kings name and they are Khorogdayom,His son Jatakhorog and Jata's son Debkhorog.

Jassobarmon (Middle of 725-735)

At the end of 7th and raising of 8th century Bonggodeshi king meeted foreign attack like Gauro and Mogod king.In the middle of 8th Jashobardhon king of Kanouzo is notable. The collapse of Gauro dynasty happen in the hand of Jashobardhon between 725-735.He also captured Bonggodesh but his kingdom didn't exist long.

Pal Dynasty (781-1080 AD)

In the middle of 8th The Pal established their reign in North and West Bengal probaly Dhorma Pal (781-821) included Jashore to his kingdom. Though Dharmopal got a little kingdom from his father, he raised it all through India throgh his circuit and diplomatic knowledge also in favour of his fate.He took the designation "Poromessor" or "Moharazadhiraz" and also worshiper of Buddho religion.

Debpal (821-861)  came to power after Dharmapal. He was cysteines qualified  king as his father.By his circuit and knowledge he didn't hold his father also Pal dynasty spreaded  heightest in his time.He was the follower of Buddho and also work for the expansion of Buddho.Other rulers of Pal Dynasty after Debpal are First Surpal (861-866) also known as Bigrohopal, Narayonpal (866-920), Razpal (920-952),Second Gopal (952-969),Second Bigrohopal (969-995).All they were weak.In the middle of 10th century the Gandro get public appearance and were free from the Pal.The Camboza rulers exposed themselves as free though there were in the north and west of Pal dynasty as a result the Pal's power became limited till first Mohipal came to power. By the ascendence of first Mohipal Pal dynasty saw goodtime. He destroyed all his enemies with success and recovered north Radha and north bengal also recovered all the Pal kingdom. That's why he deserve recovering king's designation. Then Pal kings are Nai Pal (1043-1058), third Biggrohopal (1058-1074)when the king of Lokkhikorna leaded attack again and again. Through various ups and downs the Borman established their power and the Pal totally lose their power by 1080.

Barmon Governance Period


Very likely the arrival of Vermans during Karna's aggravation   in Bengal.During the aggression, the Bormans assist Lakkhmi Karna and stay in this country.Later on, they established an independent state for themselves.The famous rulers of this dynasty are Vajravarman, Jatbarman, Hari Barman, Bhoj Barman.Later, they were overthrown by a Brakhmn monastic saint named Sen.

Sen Dynasty (from 1150 AD to the early part of the 13th century)

During the reign of King Vijay Sen the rule of the Sen Dynasty began in this part of Bengal and on the district of Jessore.King Vijay Sen was the third king of Sen Dynasty (1097-1160).The foundation stone of the Great Empire was made in his hand.He won the Bengal.But it was not possible to know the exact time of conquering its eastern Bengal (Samatata) from the Barman rulers.Probably he established authority over Jessore district during the last days of his rule.His successor Vallal Sen (1160-1178) and Laxman Sen (1178-1206) maintained their authority over the district.  During the reign of Lakkhmn Sen, 1204 AD, the famous Muslim invasion of Bengal started.Shihab Uddin Muhammad Ghurir's commander Malik Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiar Khalji attacked Bangal during this time.When Bakattiyar Khilji reached Lakkhmn Sen's capital Nadia with his army, King Lakkhmn Sen was eating his lunch.After hearing the news of the arrival of the Muslim army, he fled to Bikrampur with barefoot from his capital.Until his death in 1204, he governed  there.

The Muslim Era

In 1204 the beginning of the rule of Muslim  through the conquest of Bakhtiyar Khilji's Nadia.But the Muslim empire was limited to a few small terrain around Lakhnavati.Thus  only after the conquest of Nadia Jashore  did not come under the Muslim rulers of Lakhnakhbati. Sultan Ghiyasuddin Iwaz Khilji (1213-1২7) is the first ruler of Lakkhnabati who initiated the expansion to the South and East Muslim empire.But during his reign and  Jessore district was included to Lokkhnaborti. During the latter part of the 13th century AD  under the rule of Mughis Uddin Tughral (1268-1281) this district came under the rule of Lakhnavati.This information is available from the statement given by Sir JN Sarkar.He said in his book_

"The power of the Seans were on the verge of extinction in the second half of thirtenth century on account of Muslims attacks from west..the Muslim possessions in Bengal included at least some portions of East Bengal (Bangladesh)... [Source :Sir JN Sarkar ;History of Bengal.Voll-II,page-57]"

Delhi's authority on the district of Jessore was established during the reign of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban (1266-1287 AD).Lakhnavati Governor Sultan Mughis Uddin Tughral ruled this district till his death in 1281. He was the last and the greatest King who had been in the seat of power from a little slave to the power of Bengal.But his decision to declare independence from the Delhi rulers resulted in his defeat. After the death of Sultan Mughis Uddin Tughla Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban's son Shahjada Nasir Uddin Mohammad Baghara Khan was appointed as governor. He ruled this kingdom for six years (1281-1287).After the death of his father in 1287  he received the title of Sultan Nasir Uddin Mohammad.From this time the independent entity of the Lakhnauti state began to recognize the Delhi Sultanate.From that time till 1224 Jessore district was under the rule of the Lakkhnabarti.In 1324 Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq converted Delhi into a province of his empire  and due to normal circumstances Jessore district was once again under the sultanate of Delhi.

Ilias Shahi ruled (1342-1414 AD and 1442-1486 AD)

During the rule of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, the statewide revolt was widely spreaded.As a result, his authority began to decline gradually.During this time the entire Lakhnavarti kingdom was divided into three sections.Fakhruddin, Ilias and Alisha governed the eastern, southern and western parts separately.Later in 1342 when Iliyas Shah established authority over the Lokkhnaborti Jessore district went under Lokkhnavarti again.Thus a new chapter in history began with the ascendancy of Ilyas Shah on Lakhnavati throne.He got the title of Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah.

Sultan Shamsuddin Ilyas brought together the entire Muslim Bengal under a monarchy and in 1357 he remained in power until his death.His successors are Sikandar Shah (1357-1392), Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah (1392-11410), Shamsuddin Hamza (1410-1411), Shihabuddin Badsha (1412-1414) and Alauddin Firoz Shah (1414 to the rise of King Ganesha ).During this time they were in the possession of Jessore district constituted as a part of Lokhnavarti.In 1487 the slave tribe started the reign of the fall of the Ilias Shahi dynasty.By the year 1493 the Das kings kept their rights here.After the fall of the slavesJessore went under the control of Alauddin Husain Shah.By 1538 Hussain Shahi dynasty maintained their rule.


Somrat Sarshahah (1539-1545)

Jashore came under Somrat Sarshah when captured Bangodesh at the time of Giashuddin Mahmud shahah powerful king of Dell.After Sershahah's death his inheritant Islam Shahah sustained his kingdom then this royal kingdom Jashore went under Kororani fanily.Taz Khan Kororani was the founder of the family and his inheritant were Sulaiman Kororani (1565-1572), and Daud Kororani (1572-1576).

Mughol Rulership (1576-1757)

After Pathan rulership the Mughal establishe their large Kingdom with huge area in this sub-continen. Glorious king of Mughal King Akbar (1556-1605) first assigned penal to run his rulling Baro Vhauya king Protapaditto then ruled. Enayet Khan was the first penal of Jashore then Sorforaz Kha, Nurbollov Kha became the penal.In Nobabi rulership (Murshid Kuli Khan 170-1726) Setaram Ray ruled Jashore.Mohammadpur was his capital.When he strike again Nobab, the Noba sent army against him and he lost.After the fall of Setaram Jashore divided into many manor.At the last of sixteenth century a trusted fellow of Doud of Gour Srihori declared the fredom and establisheda free kingdom known as Moharaza Bikromaditto given by Doud king of Gour.Issorpur and Trekati was Bikromaditto's capita. He died in 1583.After some years of his death in 1587 his son took the power of governane and his name was Gopinath,Prothapaditto was his designation.Gumghat of Sundarbans area was his capita.In 1400 king Nasir Sha  sent a saint Dorvesh Khan Jahan Ali to spread Islam.

British Rulership (1747-1947)

 East India Company came to Bengal power.When Shiraz-ud-Doula lost at historical

Palashi war in hand of Lord Claive the light of independence went down and started apartheidic domination. Company got civil in 1765 from king 2nd Shahah Alam that's why Jashore went under revenue administration. Company ruled two hundred years till 1947.

Pakisthani Period and The Emergence of Independence Bangladesh (1947-1971)

Then in 1947 the British went away but before leaving the country they sow the seed of technique and state separation happened ultimately two states created India and Pakistan. Jashore became the part of east Pakistan and west Pakistan ruled them two decades and ruled them aggressively. In 1947 when state was divided It's east part is called Pakisthani part and west part is India. To delimit Jashore changed geographically and it again added to Bonogram Mohokuma.In 1971 great leader of the world history and the founder of Bengali national also the father of the national Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman lead the national to armed struggle and got them free. From 1954-1984 the reformation process held at Jashore. In 1960 Mohammadpur of Magura Mohkuma and Alfadanga of Norail added to Foridpur. In 1984 the government of Bangladesh to develop administration broke down Jashore at four Mohkuma and then they constituted four distinct district such as Norail,Magura,Jhenaidah, and Jashore.