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Other revenue-based revenue administration

Other revenue-based revenue administration

According to the President, the Collector of the district administration under the Commissioner changed. For the general administrative work, the whole district was subdivided into five subdivisions. The subdivisions are Jessore, Jhenaidah, Magura, Narail and Bangaon. The headquarters of the sub division was Jessore and from there it was directly supervised by the Collector. At the headquarters, there were five Deputy Collectors and one or two Sub-Deputy Collectors under the Collector. On the other hand, Jhenaidah, Magura, Narail and Bangaon subdivisions had one sub-divisional officer. Sub Divisional Officers were under the Deputy Deputy Collector. In the first quarter of the district, revenue of Rs. Bongaon Subdivision relocated from Nadia district in the 5th. Revenue was 5,2,3 rupees in 1-3 and rupees 5-12 rupees in 1-3. In the first financial year, the revenue was Rs. Of this, the revenue from the land came to Rs. The stamps came from Rs. 1,0,700, the tax came from Rs. 2,22,222, the tax from Rs.

The amount of revenue from the land was Rs. 5,7,700 in the financial year, which increased from Rs. But the revenue fell to Rs. Half of the revenue receipts in the district for the financial year 1-5 were Rs. The revenue demand for the two states was Rs. 5,3, and the revenue demand from the two permanently established states was Rs. 1,2,2.

Sell ​​stamps

The most important revenue collection after the land revenue was the sale of stamps. The revenue generated from the sale of stamps in the financial year of 1-5 years is Rs. The revenue from the sector was around Rs. 1,3,225 on average every year during the financial year. During the last financial year, an average revenue of Rs. In the financial year 1-3, the amount of collection is Rs. 1,3,220, but it is increased to Rs. Revenue from Judicial Stamps came in at Rs. Judicial stamp sales have increased due to increased litigation, revenue has come higher.

Taxes on public works

The tax was levied on one rupee for money and public works. Revenue has come down to Rs 2,2,222 in FY 8-12, up from Rs 2,12,222 in FY 7. The revenue collection in this sector in the financial year was 5,2,7 rupees, which was 5,6 rupees from 4 states, 5 rupees from 9.5 tax-free land and 2,7 rupees from 20 hats and bazars. Sum of realization. The income level of the tax revenue was Rs 2,4,7

Duty collection

Customs was another important source of revenue for the government. From duty, the government could have made a big contribution to the revenue sector for its state. In fiscal 1-3, about Rs 1,2,212 of revenue has been deposited in the revenue sector. It increased to 5,220 rupees in 1-3. In the following years, revenue from revenue in the revenue sector increased at a rate of 5 rupees as against 5 people.

Revenue on marijuana and spirits

About one-third of the total revenue that came from customs came from the licensing fees of cannabis. Domestic spirits were another notable source of revenue after marijuana. Domestic sprites were sold for about Rs. The snake contract began on the basis of Sprit's contract in the 5th. Sprite's local manufacturing company was banned. The contractor licensed the sale of sprites to small merchants. But the government strictly forbids it. About 5-7 shops were issued licenses for sale of spirits. Each store was within a distance of 5 miles and a store was allotted for 5 people. For a thousand people, two gallons of proof-gallon was worth the wine. From these figures it was clear that the number of drug addicts was really low in Jessore. Jessore Sprite's license fee and 'tari' (indigenous liquor) consumption were lower than any other district except the province of Balasore.

Revenue on opium

"Opium" has earned a revenue of Rs.25-2 per year for every 5 people at Rs. At that time, opium sales were allowed in 5 stores. In line with the conditions of sale of cannabis, there was an allotment of shops for 1.2 people, some 12 square kilometers away, for the opium trade. The revenue of the government would come to Rs. At that time, the income limit for paying income tax was 5 rupees. In the 1st, the income limit for paying income tax was Rs 5. As a result, retailers, moneylenders and clerks relieved the hassle of paying income tax. The number of people paying income tax in 1-3 reduced to 121. And the government's income was Rs. But the numbers increased to 5 in 1-3


Twenty-three offices were listed for insurance registration under Act III of III. The Sub-Registry Registry of Jessore district handled a number of issues. The District Magistrate supervised the work of the District Sub Registry Office. During the five to five year period, from 5 to 5 years, 12,4 document registrations were made every year. In the next five years (1-5) the registry is up to 8,2. Over the next five years, this number has risen significantly to 1,5,220. The number of registrations increases so much as to increase the opportunity for registration. When the number came to 5, the number was reduced to just 5. The cyclone hit on October 8, reducing the number of registrations. Another reason is that crop production was very low at that time