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Independent King Pratapaditya

Without saying a little differently about Pratapaditya, a large part of Jessore's history will not be told. Because he is the chief person of Jessore during the Mughal period. Many people say that the ancient city of Gaure was the Jessore by taking away the glory of the kingdom. The history of Jessore during that time was the history of Pratapaditya. Though Pratapaditya is only 25 years of rule, his glory still exists in Jessore Khulna region. There are five doctrines about where Vikramaditya's son Pratapaditya was the capital. According to Satish Chandra Mitra,

1.The capital of Pratapaditya was the northern part of Dhumghat;but the Vikramaditya capital was not exactly where. This opinion of Western writers including Mr Bepari.

2.Vikramaditya was in the northern part of the capital Dhumghat and Pratap's capital is situated at the southern part of modern Dhoomghat but the place was then forested. The general educated community is of this opinion.

3.The Vikramaditya capital was in the northern part or in the Eshowari region but the capital of Pratapaditya was the Sea Magdalena of the Gonga estuarie.  Another name of the island  is Chandika Island. Nikhil Nath Roy is the founder of this opinion.

4.Vikramaditya capital was at  Tharkativ was in169 numbers Which is still located in deep woodland. Pratap's new capital was close to Isshoripur. Some says that  the old capital was in Ishwarpur and the new capital was in Terakati. Many of the residents of Terakati  believe in the word.

5.The ancient capital was in Mukundpur region and New or Dhumaghat is located near Durga Issoripur.

Among 5 doctrines the end Satish Chandra Mitra seems right. The capital of  Protapaditto was in Dhumgat or Issoripur  region.The Vikramaditya capital was established in the place where it is now called Mukundpur. Its name was Jessore. After the prosperity of Dhupaghat capital its name was Jessore. In 1587 Pratapaditya established his new capital near Issoripur. And re-established the temple of the goddess Jesseshwari. There he built the Imghat fort and the Ram palace. Pratapaiditya was introduced to the new capital under the initiative of Basamatta Ray. During inauguration many of baro-bhuiyans came to Jessore. And promised to work together to keep the freedom of Bengal near Pratapaditya. Pratapaditya saw that Emperor Akbar was busy with the autocracy of politics and royal family in the court of Agra and this led to rebellion in entire India. In this opportunity, he started preparing the army to protect border. Mainly he prepared the war for all the reasons and they are

1.Self-defense and to set egotism.

2.Supporting the Pathans who were defeated by the Mughals.

3.Reinstatement of Hindu power in Bengal.

4.Protecting the people of the state from the brutal torture of the Magh,Mughals , Firangi bandits.

Pratap gradually started to build his new capital and then began to talk to other Baro-Bhuiyans of Bengal that how they can be merged and deported the Mughals  from the land. Some of Bhuiyan have expressed solidarity with this rebellious spirit of Pratap many people kept distance. Even Bosomatta  the friend of Vikramaditya who is known as Pratap's only colleague did not join the rebellion. He knew that freedom of consciousness was developed between Pratap and one of his two friends It will not go awry if the whole country be aware of it. Pratap was crazy about him. Meanwhile in 1599  Pratap  declared independence in Jessore by refusing to subscribe to the Mughals. In 1594-95 by killing Bosommto Pratapaditto indulged  irreconcilable scandal.It is said that Pratapaditya introduced currency in his name at that time. After the declaration of independence, Pratapaditya's own ruled state was also widely dispersed. Pratap's power and fame spread throughout India in 1600 AD.So poet Bharatchandra wrote _

 যশোর শহর ধাম            প্রতাপ আদিত্য নাম

          মহারাজা বঙ্গজ কায়সত্ম

নাহি মানে পাতশায়           কেহ নাহি আটে তার

                        ভয়ে যত ভূপতি দ্বারস্থ

বরপুত্র ভাবানীর                      প্রিয়তম পৃথিবীর

                    বায়ান্ন হাজার যার পল্লী

ষোড়স হালকা হাতি               অযুত তুরঙ্গ সাতি

                   যুদ্ধকালে সেনাপতি কালী

agh came to the royal house from  Kashi. And started organizing Bengal to actually bring the Mughals to the pendant in 1600.Less than twenty-five year olds the Pathans have been defeated in Bengal and even then the Mughals did not gain any benefit. Therefore, Akbar sent all his generals with all help Bangla. In 1603 with a large army  he headed towards Jessore. Bharatchandra said about Mansingh's visit


"আগে পাছে দুই পাশে দুই সারি লস্কর।

 চললেন মানসিংহ যশোহর নগর।।

মজুন্দারে  সঙ্গে নীলা ঘোড়া চড়াইয়া।

কাছে কাছে অশেষ বিশেষ এ জিজ্ঞাসা।"

Mansingh crossed the Kalyndi river and constructed the Basantampur camp and saw that Pratapaditya organized soldiers around him in battle. This war took place in the east of Basantampur and Shitalpur. This war took place for countless days and Mansingh conquered Pratapaditya and captured him.  Mansingh knew Pratap and loved him very much. He had a sense of heroism in the journey of Urissa. He was fascinated by the extraordinary timing of the Bengali hero in the war of Jessore. He used to understand the heroism Mahavira because he himself was a Mohavir. Even after winning the war he made peace with Pratapaditya. Pratapaditya tenure of the ten parts of the state of Jessore got recognition as the king of the Mughals.

Mansingh ordered the emancipation of the flag and the currency of the symbol of independence.A few years after Man Singh's expedition in 1609 AD Akbar's son Emperor Jahangir sent again the soldiers to Bonggo under the leadership of Islam Khan. The Mughal soldiers reached the border of the Jessore state after passing through the long zig-zag  river path. The conflicts were again confronted by the Mughals with Pratap Bahini at Jamuna and Ichamati concourse. So, the last fall of the glory  of Protap is not the time of Mansingho but during Islam Khan. Pratapaditya did not resist the Mughal's co-ordinated attack and surrendered. The state of Jessore collapses and began the Mughal era.

Trying to establish Rampancy , religion devotion and freedom Pratap has been immortalized not only the  people of this region but also to the people of India. So Gurumdev Ramdas Shami  wrote _

বলিনি যে বঙ্গদেশী প্রতাপের কথা,

শুনো গুরুত্ব তার। তেজবীর্য্যগুণে

প্রতাপ প্রস্তুত ছিল স্বাধীনতা লাভে,

কিন্তু তার জাতি দেশ না ছিল প্রস্তুত;

জ্ঞাতি বন্ধু বহু তার ছিল প্রতিকূল,

তাই হলো ব্যর্থ চেষ্টা।  মুঢ়ো সেই নর,

দিস, কাল, পাত্র মনে না করি' বিচার

একা যে ছুটিতে চায়; চরণস্খলনে

নাহি রহে কেহ ধরি উঠাইতে  তারে

We also know from Sir James Westland's report,Vikramaditya had a son. His name was Pratapaditya. Pratapaditya was the sole successor of all wealth of Jessore after the death of his father. He also established a city in Dhumghat. He increased his prestige till the boundary of the Sundarbans  and up to the eastern limit of Ichhamati River near 24 Parganas district. At that time, the lower part of Bangla and Bengali was divided into 12 Landlord.  This Bhupati was called Bara Bhuiyan. Pratapaditya was the most prosperous and influential of these Bara Bhuiyans. All of these Baro Bhuiyans would pay the rent and admired the emperor of Delhi. Among these 12 Bhupati Raja Pratapaditya was given much importance for his effects and responses. When Pratapaditya became more powerful day by day, he refused to pay tax to the emperor of Delhi. During this time there was a kind of chaos and confrontation in the whole of Bengal.

Emperor Akbar of Delhi sent troops many times to suppress these rebellions but the Sundarbans gave Pratapaditya a good position so that he could easily oppose the emperor. So this revolt continued for a long time. It is known from the records of the royal family of Chacra,  Azim, a commander of Akbar, could take over some of the parganas of Pratapaditya. However, Pratapaditya lost that power many times. By this, his power and influence were very low. Akbar sent his great commander Mansingh to this campaign. He was able to catch Pratapaditya by destroying many forests by ignoring many obstacles then he completed the Joint Treaty with Pratapaditya.Pratapaditya was subdued and captured by Subedar Islam Khan of Bengal in 1609. We get the authenticity when Azim Khan and Mansingho were in power respectably 1582-84 and 1589-1606.   The Jessore name is actually associated with the state which was in the possession of Pratapaditya. Even when the headquarters of the district including Kotakachari was transferred to Murli and later Kushba Jessore's name was then handed over to that place. When Jessore became first zella in 1786 from then to today's Jashore area has severely changed.

Pratapaditya at one glance

1556-1605    Badshah Akbar's reign

1563-1572     Suleiman Karrani dynasty governor

1569-61          Birth of  Pratapaditya in Gour

1572-76           Dawood Khan was the king. Dawood's death in Akmal war in 1576

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1574              Establishment of Jessore State. 1575, the destruction of Gaur

157            . The first certificate of the kingdom of Jessore and the beginning of Bikramaditya kingdom

1576-79       Hossain Kuli Khan, Moghul Subbader of Bengal

1578         Pragataditya Agra Tour 1577- 79 Wazir of the Todramal empire

1580         The Jaigirdar rebellion in Bengal

1580-82     Thodramal Subedar of Bengal. 1582 Reckoning of revenues ready

1582      Pratapaditya return to Jessore state certificate

1582-84     Kha Azom Subedar of Bengal

1583   Vikramaditya's death

1584   Pratap's coronation

1584-87    Shahbaz Kha  Subbadar of Bengal

1587   Construction of   stronghold   dhumaghate The advent of Jessore Shabari and the birth of Uday Aditya

1589-98  Mansingh Subedar of Bengal

1595  Rajmahal Capital

1592-93  Pratapaditya Orissa and Govinda Dev returning to betrays

 1595   The death of Gobinda Ray and Rosomotto Ray  and the death of Hijli Rai

1596     Pratapaditya sature with  Kandarpannarayan of Bakla, loss of sending child Manginho  in the war in Hossainpur and death of Candarpa

1598-99 Manasingh's visit to southern.Jagat Singh's death, child ManSingha Subedar of Bengal

1599  Pratap's independence announcement. The arrival of Christian clergy Build the first church in Bengal. The defeat of Mansingh and the war of Sherpur is the defeat of Osman

1600    Mansingh went to Agra and became a seven-thousand mindset. And with many  soldiers came to the royal house

1602    Ramchandra's marriage with Pratap daughter and Ramchandra's escape.Sandwip rights by Curvallo and the defeat of the state of Arakan in the second war.

1603-04   Manashingh's attack on Jessore, war and peace with Pratap.

1605   Akbar's death and the throne of Jahangir ascended

1605-06    Mansingh sent again to Bengal for eight months

1606-07    Kutubuddin  Subedar of Bangla

1607-08   Jahangir Cooli Khan Subedar of Banga

1608-13   Islam Khan Subedar of Bangla

1608    Pratapaditya Islam khan bajrapur meeting and peace

1609   Establish capital in Dhaka

1609-10 Moghul Senani  Enayet Khan and Mirza Nathan sent against Pratap


Uday Aditya's defeat and open mush death in the battle of Shalicha.The defeat of Pratap's defeat in the dhum ghat naval war.

1610-11   A few days after being imprisoned in Dhaka, Pratap was ordered and sent to Agra

1612    Osman Khara's defeat and death

1613   Death of Islam Kha