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Jashore at a glance

Jashore is the thirteenth(13th) biggest district in Bangladesh from the side of administrative structure. The dictrict is formed with eight(8) Upazilas under Khulna division. The total area of the district is 2594.95 squiremiles and 60 squiremiles is river  in that area.The total population of Jashore is 27,64,547 according to the census of 2011. The distance of the district is 270 kilometres from capital Dhaka by road.

General Information :

Population(according to census of 2011)





  In total-27,64,547

Number of Voter





    In total-19,60,173

Electional area



(1) 85-Jashore-1 (Sharsa)


(2) 86-Jashore-2 (Jhikorgacha and Chowgacha)



  (3) 87-Jashore- 3 (central Jashore)



                                                                              (4)88-Jashore-4 (Bagharpara and Ovainagar, Basundia Union of Jashore-3



   (5) 89-Jashore-5 (Monirampur)



 (6) 90-Jashore-6 (Kashobpur)


Solidity of Population

    940 in every squire kilometre


     6,674 squire kilometres

Rate of growing population


Rate of education

56.52% (7 years and more than that age men's education rate according to census of 2011)











Zone of land




Police outpost


Total length of border

    142 kilometres


BDR (Bangladesh Rifle) camp









Government primary school:                        676

Recent nationalization:                                  609

Infant admission rate in primary school:     100%

Drop out infant rate from primary education: 8.15%

Number of primary Demi-schoolarship receptive students: 1,77.446

Education result:

Exam result of higher secondary in 2017

Total examinee---------------19,038

GPA-5 (Grade point Average)     488

passing rate ------ 66.82%

Exam result of secondary school in 2017

Total examinee----- 1,55,510

GPA (Grade Point Average)-----6,460

Passing rate------- 80.04%

Exam result of PSC in 2016

Total examinee----- 12,773

GPA (Grade Point Average)----- 4,336

Passing rate---      97.16%

N:B: Jashore Cantonment College has possessed top place in regard to higher secondary exam result in Jashore.Passing rate 97.63%

Secondary School :521

Registered Kindergarten :35

Abtedaye madrasha. :40

Junior Secondary School : 65

College : 89

University : 1

Medical College : 1

Madrasha : 310

Collegiate High School : 15

Technical Training Centre : 1

Teachers' Training College : 1

PTI : 1


United Military Hospital : 1

Modern General Hospital : 1(250 bedded)

Medical College : 1

Oral Saline production and supply cell:1

District electro-medical workshop : 1

Treatment rate of patient :142.41%(average per day)

Approved doctors' post :366,engaged in work -224

Upazila Health Complex : 8


Tuberculosis Clinic : 1

Tuberculosis Hospital :1

Biddaloi Health Clinic:1

Demi-health Clinic :22

Non-government Hospital (clinic):122


Family Planning :

Total capable couple :5,97,018

Total user of family planning method:4,80,966

User of short term method:3,65,151

User of long term method:38,250

User of permanent method:77,565


Death rate of infant (per thousand)  :51

Death rate of mother (per thousand):02

Union health and family planning centre:91

Satellite Clinic :592

Mother welfare centre:1

Birth rate (annual):10.58%(per thousand)

Death rate (annual) 2.40%(per thousand)


communication :


Concrete road :1059.00 kilometres

Non-concrete road : 5097.00 Kilometres

Half- concrete road :441.00 kilometres

Rail road :91 Kilometres

Rail station :11



Total food demand:4,31,795(metric ton)

Production :7,33,016(metric ton)

Surplus (without loss): 3,01,221(metric ton)

Number of LSD :10

Number of godown:34

Total capacity :17,900(metric ton)


Agriculture :

Agriculture is the main base of the Jashore dwellers 'chief livelihood and economic. Paddy, suger-can and jute are the chief crops among produced crops in the district.The district plays effective role to produce in case of vegetables. Here, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kohlrabi,Radish,Egg plant,Bean,Papaya,Pointed gourd,Tomato,Bottle gourd,Turnip-cabbage,Arum,Potato,Onion,Chilli,Red spinach,Green spinach,Prickly-seeded-spinach,Pumpkin etc.The district is famous for banana and date molasses.


Flowers have commercially been started to produce in the district and the produced flowers fill up the demand of flowers different districts including Dhaka. All kinds of fishes are available in the district. Rui(carp fish),Catla(carp yin fishes among them.Moreover, fish hatcheries of Jashore fill up one third demand of breeding fish all over the country.


Agriculture and Irrigation :

Main crops of the district : Paddy,Jute,Sugar-can, Wheat.

Main Rabi(winter) crops of the district:Mustard,Lentil,Banana,Vegetable.

Agriculture affairs basic information of Jashore district (2012-2013)


Serial no.                            Description                                            Quantity

1                                          Area of district (Hector)                        2,57,505

2.                                          Total number of Upazila                       8


3.                                           Total number of Union                            91


4.                                           Total number of municipality                 8


5.                                          Total number of bank                            251


6.                                         Total number of village                         1,487


7.                                           Total number of land zone                  1,333


8.                                           Total population (2013)                     28,26,820

9.                                            Number of agricultural family information (number)

                                               a) Landless (less than 0.02 Hector)          73,726

                                               b) Aligned (less than 0.02-0.2 Hector)    1,38,773

                                               c) Small (less than 0.2-1.0 Hector )           1,64,370

                                               d) Middle (less than 1.0-3.00 Hector)         58,229 

                                               e) Big (more than 3.00 Hector)                    8876

                                               Total number of agricultural families             444044

10.                                         Total number of productive land (Hector)

                                               a) One crop land                   8614(4.49%)

                                               b) Two crops land                 1,00,736(50.69%)

                                               c)Three crops land                82,287(41.41)

                                               d) More than three crops land      6,779(3.41)

                                               e) Net crop's land                        1,98,416

                                                f)Total crop's land                         4,84,381

                                        g) Crop's plumpness                  243.96%

11.                                   Class of agricultural land (Hector)

                                                 a) High land                             69,441

                                                  b) Middle higher land           85,855

                                                   c) Middle lower land            31,464 

                                                   d) Low land                               9,723

                                                   e) Lowest land.                       1,933

                                                    Total land                             1,98,416




Serial no:               Description                                                               Quantity

12                Usage of irregation machine 2012-13(number)

                    Deep                   Electricity                                                  1439

                                                Diesel                                                       197

                                                Total deep                                               1636

                   Not-deep              Electricity                                                 9610

                                              Diesel                                                        69485

                                              Toral not-deep                                           79095

                  Powerpump            Electricity                                                   126

                                               Diesel                                                         941

                                              Total  powerpump                                        1067

               Total using number of irregation machines                                    81798

13           Irrigated land quantity  in2012-13 (Hector)                                      192691

14.          Total number of tractors                                                                 562

15           Total number of powertiller                                                             8147

16          Total rainfall in 2012-13(m.m)                                                                  1324

17.           Highest and lowest temperature in 2012-13 ( celsius)                         39.23

18           Number of soil experiment machine                                                   4.5

19.           Number of drumseeder                                                                    44

20.          Number of BCIC fertilizer dealer                                                        160

21           Number of insectiside dealer                                                              139

22           LCC                                                                                                1202

23           Number of IPM club                                                                            1134

24          Number of nursing                                                                      352

25           Number of Coldstorage                                                                335

26           Food condition (M.T) 2012-13                                                         08


                   a) food demand                                                           554458

                   b) food production                                                      1096147

                  c) food surplus                                                        54168

Industry :

Jashore district plays a perticular role in case of universal-istic from long ago. Famous combing-craft is going to be almost vanished in the district. Industrial factory has formed in different Upazillas gradually.  Among them in case of heavy industrial factory Nowyapara . Jutemill and fertilizer factory, cement factory, garment industry, cigarette factory . Basic industrial city among universal-istic cat-gut, date-molasses, soil, bamboo, stick are particularly remarkable. The reputation of the pen of G.Q ballpen industries limited has crossed native country and reached in abroad after Liberation war.

Small industry : 123

Heavy industry : 9


Main industrial factory : Fertilizer, Cement,  Jute, Garments,  Leather, Egg production, Cigarette                                                                    production, Fish  hatchery, Ball-soap,Mill of pulses and flour.

Revenue administration (till January, 2014)

1. Number of land office : 8

2. Total number of union : 91

3. Total number of union land office : 75

4. Total number of union land zone : 1036

5. Total number of land agricultural government  land :3263.90 Acre

6. Total number of agricultural term registered land : 2221.875 Acre

7. Total number of term registered land : 215.47 Acre

8. At present the total number of term registered land : 187.71 Acre

9. Number of agricultural government land ( involved in civil case) : 100.19 Acre

10. Number of agricultural government land with illegal occupy : 104.925 Acre

11. Number of benefitted families : 2604

12. Total number of non-agricultural land : 2182.11

13. Number of term registerd non-agricultural government land :36.27 Acre

14. Number of term registered non-agricultural government land : 9.68 Acre

15. Number of enlisted conferred land : 4128.5516 Acre

16. Number of leased conferred land : 202.4323 Acre

17. Number of conferred refundable land : 4128.5516 Acre

18. Number of non leased conferred land : 3926.1193 Acre

19. Number of discharged conferred land : Acre

20. Number of conferred land-house : Acre

21. Number of demand in fiscal year 2013-14 : 2636576 Taka

22. Total number of collection till January 2014 : 536698 Taka

23. Number of demand in fiscal year 2012-14 : 2730349 Taka

24. Total number of abandoned  land : 36.61 Acre

25. Number of abandoned houses : 8826

26. Number of preserved houses : 13

27. Number of sold house  : 27

28. Number of discharged house : 1

29. Number of sellable abandoned house : 47

30. Total number of markets : 254

31. Total number  of watery area : 316

         a) Number of closed watery area more than 20 acre :54

         b) Number of open watery area more than 20 acre :71



         c) Number of closed watery area less than 20 acre : 50

        d) Number of open watery area less than 20 acre  : 141

        e) Number of leased watery area in present year : 4

        f) Number of handed over watery area in fish department : 17

        g) Number of watery area without lease : 3




32. Total number of model village :13

(area of model village project -1):12

(area of model village project -2):01

33.Number of shelter project :7

34.Number of accommodation :19(actualised-13 and under actualisation-06)

35.Number of benefited family in accommodation project:280

36.VAT demand for land development and collection description till January 2014

total demand

collection (till January 2014)






5 00,482/-


