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Civil Justice Administration (1781-90)

Civil Justice Administration (1781-90)


Although Mr. Haskell served as magistrate, his original title and main duty was to serve as a civil court judge. However, historians were naturally less interested in this area of ​​their duty

Cases filed with landlords

There was no mention of civil jurists and others subordinate to the Court of the Year 9; Except for appointments only in Munshid. Until the appointment of Munshi, the landlords or nabis used to handle those minor cases and the jajra sent cases to them. No case was sent to the zamindars on the value of 1 rupees, and the number of national cases was negligible.

The method of providing this reference did not work well. Most of the cases were land-infringing or rent-free land disputes, or accusations of accusation of collecting excess rent. All of these matters involved the direct interest of the landlord or the deputy, and it conflicted with the interests of the plaintiffs. So sending a reference to a case meant disregarding the prosecution of the case. Mr. Henkel was well aware of this, and he appointed Amin or subordinate judge of Bhushan and Shahuziyal in the half year of Jessore's arrival. Reference to the case could be sought from them. But this method was not approved by the government for financial consideration

Limited powers of judges

Although the jurisdiction of the judges was high in the period of 1-3, it was less than that of other officers. Each section was self-sufficient and the judges were instructed not to interfere in any matters related to rent and revenue. Because this matter was solely under the jurisdiction of the Collector. They had a similar relationship with the commercial offices. Although under their jurisdiction, they had to talk to other departments about the facilities. Even if there was a riot between the producers of the company, the judges could not have issued a summons on anyone without the permission of the company's production officer. The judges had to work very cautiously in the collective, especially during the monetary harvesting season (which was just the next month of autumn and the time of winter farming).

Friendship relationship

At that time, civil jurisdiction was ruled by Defendant Residence without any consideration. A plaintiff had to seek correction of the trial judge from the judge to whom the plaintiff was a subject. Often cases were handled from one district to another, and sometimes when two or more zamindar houses were in different districts on the floor, they became involved in disputes over land. Judges from different districts used to conduct letters about the case.

Similarly, different magistrates considered each other as representatives of the imposed country. They used to tell each other that some criminal had taken shelter in his district and begged him to take over the dependent criminal. If a dependent criminal is apprehended by a district magistrate, the solicitor will call the magistrate to testify about the offender's guilt and to hand over the offender.

Civil Justice Administration in the 5th

The civil justice administration was headed by the district judge. Under him were two superintendent judges and five judges. There were 1,222 civil cases filed in Jessore in the year