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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Citizen Charter of District Administration

General services

Name of service

Rules & regulations

Necessary Papers

Expenses / Fees for service


Time of service

Focal point

Issuing Dealing license / renewal of Dealing license

Essential Products Control Act, 1881

Application on prescribed ‘A’ Form, 2 copies of passport size photograph, trade license, nationality certificate, bank solvency certificate, house rent receipt / agreement, a copy of Porcha (if the owner of the room or house is of the applicant).


Determined by the Government

Delivery time: 60 days;

time of renewal: 15 days

Assistant Commissioner

(Trade & Commerce)

Issuing license of brick kiln or renewal of brick kiln license

Brick Burning Control Act, 1989

Application on prescribed ‘A’ Form, 2 copies of passport size photograph, trade license, nationality certificate, bank solvency certificate, source tax payment certificate, Environmental Clearance Certificate, land agreement, land-revenue payment receipt, Porcha along with DCR (if the owner of land is the applicant).


Tk. 500 & Advance source: Tk. 30,000

60 days

Assistant Commissioner

(Trade & Commerce)

Issuing the license of selling & carrying of acids and the permission of using acids

Acid Control Act, 2000 and Acid Control Regulations 2004

In accordance with Acid Control Act 2000 and Acid Control Regulations 2004, application on prescribed ‘cha’ form, design of storehouse / outlet / shop, appointment letter of officers-assistants-salesmen, bio-data & appointment letter of the Chemist(s); trade license, nationality certificate, bank solvency certificate, house rent receipt / agreement, a copy of Porcha (if the owner of the room or house is of the applicant); in case of transportation, registration number of the transport, chassis number, carrying capacity & route permit.


Delivery fees:

general use: 3000/-; commercial use: 2,50,000/-;


Renewal fees: 5% of the license fees


60 days

Assistant Commissioner

(Trade & Commerce)


Issuing license of Hotel & Restaurant / Renewal

Regulations for Hotel Restaurant, 1986

Application, Medical certificates for workers, trade license, income tax certificate, nationality certificate, agreement of rooms / house or the copy of Porcha (if the applicant owns the house or land)

Determined by the Government

60 days

Assistant Commissioner

(Trade & Commerce)

Management of Fertilizer distribution

Integrated Policy for appointment of dealer of fertilizer & distribution, 2009 

Determined by the Government

Determined by the Government

Determined by the Government

Assistant Commissioner

(Trade & Commerce)

Hajj Management

Hajj Policy declared by the Ministry of Religious Affairs

Application form, Passport, money deposit receipt

Tk. 3,20,000 for the year 2012

Determined by the Ministry of Religious Affairs

Islamic Foundation

Service for preserving  valuable movable assets

Treasury Rules

Determined by the Government



Assistant Commissioner


Different kinds of assistance for freedom fighters

Govt. level: Circulars issued by the Ministry of Freedom Fighters

Gazette for freedom fighters, death certificate, Investigation report of Upazilla Nirbahi Officer

No expenses

At best 7 days after receiving the Investigation Report (subject to the availability of fund)

Deputy Commissioner

Non-Govt. level:

in accordance with Freedom Fighters’ Welfare Trust

Gazette for freedom fighters, application & related papers

No expenses

At best 7 days after receiving the Investigation Report (subject to the availability of fund)

Deputy Commissioner

Service for accommodation in Circuit House

The office order of Ministry of Public Administration (Ref. No. – 291 (64), dt. 17-4-2009

Application in advance

In the  Government determined rate

1 day before accommodation


Service for receiving application for information & disposal in accordance with Right to Information Act

Right to Information Act, 2009

Application in prescribed form along with court fees for Tk. 5.00

Per page Tk. 2.00 for photocopy

20/30 days after submission of application

Assistant Commissioner

(Information Centre)

Service for receiving complaints and disposal

Related Rules and Regulations

Clearly written allegation(s) in plain white paper & evidential papers in support of the allegation(s)

Court Fees for Tk. 5.00

15 days after receiving the Investigation Report

Assistant Commissioner

(Information & Allegation)



Issuing Certificates for marriages of the expatriates

Circular issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs

Declaration on Stamp of Tk. 250 and duly notarized

Treasury Chalan for

Tk. 700

07 days after receiving the Investigation Report

Assistant Commissioner

(Expatriate Welfare)

Extending assistance for sending household-workers abroad

Guidelines of the Government

Nationality certificate, Educational Certificates, Passport

Without Fees

15 days

Assistant Commissioner (Expatriate Welfare)

Problems of the expatriates, investigation on fraud & forgery of human traffickers

Guidelines of the Government

Application, Photograph, Annexation, nationality certificate, passport

Without Fees

07 days after receiving the Investigation Report

Assistant Commissioner

(Expatriate Welfare)

Financial & product support in natural calamity / any disaster

Khdubam/tran-3/37-nitimala/2009 (part-2)/339

Date: 12-08-2009, application & report by the UNO concerned

Not Applicable

3 days

DRO, Jashore

Disposal of allegations for the projects: Foods for Work, TR, VGD, VGF, etc.

trapua-200, date: 10-11-11 (kabikha);

prapua-197, dt. 24-10-11 (TR);

prapua/VGD- 1/boradd/197/2004-05-106, dt: 21-06-2004

Written Complaint / Allegation

Not Applicable

3 days after receiving the Investigation Report

Assistant Commissioner (Local Govt.)

Approval of salary, wages & other facilities & pension of UP Secretary,  Choukidar & Dafader

Local Govt. (Union Parishad) Public Servant Rules, 2011 

Application on prescribed form

Not Applicable

1 day after receiving the Bill / Letter

Assistant Commissioner

(Local Govt.)


Services in Revenue Sector

Name of Service

Related Rules & Regulations

Necessary Documents

Expenses on Services

Time of service

Focal Point

Issuing vending license


Application on plain paper, nationality certificate, 2 copies of photographs, bank solvency certificate, educational certificates

License issue fees including VAT 865/-;

renewal fees including VAT 575/-

Time determined by law.

Officer-in-charge RM

Money return on mutilated stamps


Application on prescribed form in 6 months of buying, mutilated stamps

Deduction of 6.25% of stamps

Time determined by law.

Officer-in-charge RM














Receiving and disposal of application of land acquisition & order of requisition of land

The Acquisition & Requisition of Movable & Immovable Property Ordinance 1982, Movable Property Acquisition Manual 1997  

Application on prescribed format, letter of administrative approval, sketch of land, layout plan, marking with red letter on the design, description on prescribed form, half DO letter, detailed description of the project, other papers mentioned by the law (5 copies of each paper)  

Fees free

45/120 days after the approval of District Committee

LAO, Jashore

Receiving and disposal of application of land acquisition & order of requisition of land





LAO, Jashore






LAO, Jashore


Service of settlement of demesne /  agricultural land

The Rules of Settlement of Agricultural Land, 1997   

Application on prescribed form, joint photograph of the family, Certificate of Nationality, Certificate of Landlessness, photocopy of voter ID card   

Court Fees for Tk. 12/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Receiving and disposing  application of settlement for non-agricultural land

The Rules of Settlement of Non-Agricultural Land, 1995

Application on plain white paper, letter of affidavit

Court Fees for Tk. 12/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Establishment of haat-bazar & inclusion in the periphery

Land Management Manual

Application on plain white paper; necessary documents of land

Court Fees for Tk. 12/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Rehabilitation of landless people

The Rules of Settlement of Agricultural Land, 1997; Land Management Manual

Application on prescribed form, joint photograph of the family, Certificate of Nationality, Certificate of Landlessness, photocopy of voter ID card  

Court Fees for Tk. 12/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Management of the Sayarta mahala

Jolamohal  Rules, 2009

Application on prescribed form, registration of the cooperative society (somiti),


Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Management of vested property

Law of Extradition for vested property, 2001; Land Management Manual

Application on plain white paper; necessary documents

Court Fees for Tk. 10/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Receiving and disposing various  appeal applications on revenue cases 

S A & T Act, 1950

Application on plain white paper; necessary documents

Court Fees for Tk. 10/-

Determined by the law

RDC, Jashore

Power of attorney or deeds executed abroad

Stamp Act 1899

Application with court fees Tk. 10/-; letter of affidavit; power of attorney

Stamps worth of Tk. 1000/-

Determined by the law

Officer – in – Charge, RM


Judicial services

Name of service

Rules & regulations

Necessary Papers

Expenses / Fees for service


Time of service

Focal point

Issuing or renewing of license for firearms

Firearms Act, 1878, Arms act 1924

For new issue: application on prescribed form, 3 years’ income tax certificate, voter ID card, birth certificate, 3 copies of passport size photograph, notarized non-judicial stamp for Tk. 150/-    


For renewal of affidavit: application on plain paper; renewal fees, VAT receipt with original copy of license

Issue fees:

Gun: 1500

Revolver/pistol: Tk. 5000/-

Rifle Tk. 2000/-

Renewal fees:

Gun: 1000

Revolver/pistol: Tk. 3000/-

Rifle Tk. 1000/

Total 2 weeks: one week after submission of application & one week after the police verification report;


Assistant Commissioner, Judicial Munshikhana

Permission of meeting, gathering

Government circular

Application on white paper with court fees for Tk. 10/-

no fees

2 days after receiving the investigation report of DSB

Assistant Commissioner

Judicial Munshikhana

Issuing or renewing of license of Cinema Hall

Cinematography Act, 1918

Application on white paper with court fees for Tk. 10/-

Fees Tk. 5000/-

2 days after receiving the investigation report of DSB

Assistant Commissioner

Judicial Munshikhana

Cost of carrying dead body (ies)

The directives of Ministry of Public Administration

Application, Bill voucher, post mortem report, police report, medical certificate

no fees

2days after receiving allocation

Assistant Commissioner

Judicial Munshikhana


Services for education, development and Information & Technology

Name of service

Rules & regulations

Necessary Papers

Expenses / Fees for service


Time of service

Focal point

Permission for Declaration of  newspaper & magazine;

Issuing license for Press

Press & Publication (Declaration and Registration) 1973 

Application on prescribed form, solvency certificate, NID, non-judicial stamp for Tk. 250/- (for signing agreement with the press owner)

Tk. 250/-

7 days after receiving the investigation report of DSB

Assistant Commissioner of education & ICT

Issuing certificates for various functions of NGOs


Application with the description of work

Not applicable

3 days after receiving reports from the upazilla(s) concerned

Assistant Commissioner of education & ICT

Appointment of presiding officers for forming Managing Committee


Application for appointing Presiding Officer

Not applicable

3 days

Assistant Commissioner of education & ICT

Receiving and disposing the letters of accusation regarding different educational institutions


Written Application

Not applicable

3 days after receiving the investigation report

Assistant Commissioner of education & ICT

Opinion for setting up examination centre

Rules for concerned Trust and Foundation

Letter from Board seeking permission 

Not applicable

3 days after receiving the investigation report