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Burial ground of Birshrstho Nur Mohammad Sheikh

Dihi, Sharsha, Jessore


Jessore-Benapole road is to be taken at first. After reaching Sharsha Upazilla, a turn to north is to be followed until Dihi union. Burial ground of Bir Shreshtha Nur Mohammad Sheikh is a short Rickshaw ride from Dihi.




Nur Mohammad died saving his compatriots and inflicting heavy casualties on his enemy. He was awarded Bir Sreshtho, the highest state insignia of Bangladesh for his bravery and the highest sacrifice. He was killed in an engagement with the Pakistan Army while providing fire for covering the extrication of fellow soldiers at Goalhati in Jessore district on 5 September 1971. Lance Nayek Nur Mohammad was selected as the captain of the Standing Patrol team at Goalhati in Jessore's Chutipur Camp that was established to monitor the Pakistan army. On 5 September, Nur Mohammad was patrolling with 4 fellow soldiers. The Pakistan army managed to point out the position of Nur Mohammad's team and attacked them from three different sides. Nur Mohammad wanted to retreat to his base and continued to fire towards Pakistani armies. Meanwhile, one of his fellow soldiers, Nannu Mia, was shot by a bullet and Nur Mohammad started carrying him towards safety and started to shoot guns from different places as a trick to confuse the Pakistanis with an aim to make the enemies think that there were not just 5 freedom fighters, but there were a lot of them. But Nur Mohammad himself was hit by a mortar and his foot was destroyed. Even though he was seriously injured, Nur Mohammad decided to continue to provide covering fire for his team to escape. At the time, his fellow Sepoy Mostafa, urged Nur Mohammad to go with him. Mostafa even tried to force Nur Mohammad to go but Nur Mohammad refused to go but gave his Light Machine Gun to Mostafa so that it would not be captured after his death. He kept a self loaded rifle with him and kept on fighting until he died. He was buried in Kashipur under Sharsha upazila of Jessore district.